Christ Church



Mothers' Union - what we are doing


We extend a welcome to everyone at our branch meetings (in the Church Hall at 7.30pm during the summer months, and 2pm when the evenings are darker - unless otherwise stated) so please consider joining us for an evening or two! 

Bob Taylor  
Branch Leader

Dates for your diary

October 4    We create our SCARECROWS for the festival - come and join in the fun

October 16  Fun for all as we hold a BEETLE DRIVE. Everyone is welcome.  

In addition to the local projects mentioned here we are involved in many ways in which Mothers' Union, locally and globally supports family life. Here are just some facets of that work: 

the Cross in a Pocket

small but perfectly formed - members make these crosses which are used in so many different ways

small ways to make a BIG difference

small items which impact families, knitted, stitched and collected by members

Support for our Prisons

for those who visit and those who are released

Get Away From It All

Providing breaks for those who otherwise would not be able to go away

Domestic Abuse

Mothers' Union speaking out to highlight Domestic Abuse which is far more common than most of us realise

Modern Day Slavery

together with its links to refugees and asylum seekers

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