This is a time when family and friends come together in church to give thanks for a new arrival and act as a starting point for their child on their journey of faith.
Christenings (baptisms) may be as a private occasion or within normal service time. There are no costs involved.
All arrangements should be made at by contacting the Vicar.
You might well be looking at our church with a view to planning a wedding so let us give you some idea of what we can offer.
Getting married in church has never been easier. Recent changes mean that many of the old restrictions have gone and we would encourage everyone to consider a ceremony in church.
See our Weddings page for more information.
Funeral Services and Churchyard Enquiries

Funeral services should be by arrangement with our vicar, the Revd Harvie Nicol or the churchwardens – Jennifer Wood and Jason Edwards. Most often this will be through your Funeral Director who will make all the necessary contact on your behalf.
Interment of remains or ashes in our churchyard can only be with the permission of our churchwardens. It should be noted that the graveyard is full and we can now only accept requests for interment of ashes.
Similarly, monuments and memorials can only be erected, added to, renewed or removed with the written permission of the churchwardens. Your funeral director or monumental mason will be able to provide you with the special application form.
In most cases set Church of England fees are payable in respect of funerals and the churchyard. The churchwardens, your funeral director or monumental mason will be able to give you details.
Payment of fees
Clergy, when they meet to plan your service, will explain the fees set and will be happy to take payment in cash or by cheque. If you prefer to pay electronically please click on the link to the left.