From the magazine - April 2024
Hello from Harvie
I have been asked to pen an introduction to you, the wonderful people at Walmersley as I begin my ministry with you this month.
The first thing I have to say is thank you, to the parish reps for putting their trust in me to lead us onward. A huge thanks goes also to those who have helped out in any way during the period of interregnum. To the guest clergy, but most of all to the faithful people of both church communities. My last thanks go to Rev Dave Thompson for his ministry with you all.
As we go forward, I make no apologies for buying into the Mission Community vision the diocese has for ministry in the future. It sometimes saddens me that the figures in the Church of England nationally have halved since the 1980s but, on the plus side, it makes the future one where we must once again evangelise a nation that has turned its back on organised faith. Even here in Bury, we have seen many people disengage with church for one reason or another. This gives us a chance to reset and to move forward again, gaining strength in the reason we follow Jesus and learning once more how to articulate it.
As I will spend the first few months getting to know the church communities and the area, don’t expect that I won’t be working on a strategy to lead us forward as we seek to release God’s people into the ministry he has for us. I will no doubt be asking some to step outside their comfort zone as we seek to identify the best way to be church in 2024 and beyond.
I look forward to the induction service on 17th April and my first service as your new incumbent on Sunday 21st at Christ Church.
Can I please ask that you pray for myself and my wife Sally as we make the transition from where we are to joining with you. Sally will not be as visible for a few months as she will be having knee replacement surgery as we arrive, but she too is very happy to be joining you all.
So, until we meet in person, I send my prayers for you and give God the glory for all he has in store for our future together.
Love and blessings.