Christ Church



Scarecrows 2023

Scarecrow Festival: October 5th-11th 2023

we invited community groups, local businesses, families and individuals
to make a Scarecrow and bring it to meet with others in the churchyard from October 5th - 11th.

We are so pleased with the response - in making scarecrows, in installing them and for all those who walked round to have a look at them.


Check out our albums of photos here.

This was a great opportunity to tell people about our group or business as well as taking part in this community event.

They were displayed in the Churchard for a week for everyone to come along and see them.

There was no charge for you, your friends, or your Scarecrow 


We had lots of visitors including some very excited ones from Tiddlywinks Nursery. This is what they posted on Facebook: 

🍁Tiddlywinks Walmersley 🍁

At the start of this term, we challenged our staff and children with a long term project to design and make a scarecrow. 

We decided on a scarecrow due to our focus on learning about Harvest and our author of the term being Julia Donaldson, with the Scarecrow’s Wedding being a keen interest with our children.

You can imagine our joy when we saw that our local parish church are holding a scarecrow festival and we was able to display our scarecrow for the whole of Walmersley to see. 

This week a group of our children took a short ride to Christ Church Walmersley to see our own and others scarecrows.  The children have been overjoyed and proud to see their hard work displayed for all and equally as excited to tell all parents about our scarecrow Harry! 

A special thank you to the parents that have contributed and shared the excitement with this process. 🧑🏽‍🌾

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