Our logo and
its meaning
This cross has been adopted as a "logo" and it is worth looking at the symbolism of the design, which reflects the basis of our belief and purpose.
"The church is symbolised by the cross which broadens from the base - the church growing.
The parish is symbolised by the continuous circle - the church surrounded by its parish, the church growing in the life of the community.The candle symbolises the church as the life and guiding light of the community.
On an ivory background colours range from old gold to bright pure gold representing growth. The candle is in ivory and the flame in red and orange to symbolise the richness of life."
Parish magazine - April 1988
Electoral Roll
Have you been baptised? Are you 16 or over?
Have you attended church regularly for at least 6 months?
Then you may be interested in joining the Electoral Roll!
This means: You can vote on church matters;
attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM);
raise any questions of parochial or general church interest;
stand for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC);
represent your church within the wider church family.
Every six years new Rolls must be prepared and 2025 is the year. The exercise must be completed between 15 and 28 days before the APCM, which is on 18 May here at Christ Church. Forms are available from church or may be downloaded here. Completed forms may be returned to church or completed electronically and e-mailed to all.ccwalmersleybury@outlook.com
Please note: Members on the Electoral Roll previously need to apply to be included - inclusion is not automatic.