Our logo and
its meaning
This cross has been adopted as a "logo" and it is worth looking at the symbolism of the design, which reflects the basis of our belief and purpose.
"The church is symbolised by the cross which broadens from the base - the church growing.
The parish is symbolised by the continuous circle - the church surrounded by its parish, the church growing in the life of the community.The andle symbolises the church as the life and guiding light of the community.
Colours range from old gold to bright pure gold on an ivory background. The candle is in ivory and the flame in red and orange to symbolise the richness of life."
Parish magazine - April 1988

Christ Church Walmersley is a Fairtrade Church so Fairtrade tea and coffee are served at all church events. Opportunities are taken, particularly during Fairtrade fortnight, to raise awarness and support the efforts to alleviate poverty in developing nations.